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2001 june 29when is it going to end? these new reality shows - such as "single girls" - are getting out of hand. i've also seen and read about such lovely new programming as the "love cruise" and the new & improved "big brother", complete with co-ed bedrooms to spice things up since the program bombed last summer. oooh boy, i'm on the edge of my seat! ha! i'm just glad that i've taken up walking in the evening for my form of entertainment ;-) 2001 june 27this pretty much sums it up, without me going into details: "Just when we think we are in control, we are awakened to realize that it is all an illusion." - mike d, beastie boys 2001 june 26is it a zorse? or a zetland? you decide! it is awfully cute, though. i've gone to war - it's me against the rats. my car is in the shop. the wiring connected to the engine, yup, you guessed it: ate up by the rats. they were living under my hood! i didn't believe it at first, but it's true. my poor lil' ride. 2001 june 22another masterpiece for Dale Chihuly - make sure to check out the entire installation at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. tonight is the big Summer Solstice celebration at the MCA - bring 2 cans of nonperishable food to get in free. 2001 june 21watch out world! Francis Ford Coppola confirms he will take Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" to the big screen - and word is brad pitt & billy crudup could be cast for the lead characters! 2001 june 20okay, another article on the rave scene pops up over at salon. this time, it looks as if Vicks VapoRub and glowsticks are now considered paraphernalia in New Orleans, and are signals of rampant drug use!? what's next? alright, my roommate & i watched the 1st annual BET awards last night and it was the best (musical) awards we've seen in a long time. or, maybe even ever. it was quite the party. and the performances were great - especially OutKast! i wish i would've seen them when they came through a few months ago. i have to find out if they will be playing Area One when it comes through chicago. 2001 june 19please take time out of your busy day to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - mike d, of the beastie boys, lays it all out in this letter. thanks! 2001 june 18making the happiest place on earth happier - is the rave culture now "overground", just as the jamband scene? oh yes, i have another show to add to the summer schedule - radiohead, august 1st, arvey field in grant park. thankfully, j3s, one of my roomies, who is travelling through europe right now, kept me in the loop for getting us some tickets - which is very good since the show is sold out! things are still a little bit screwy around these parts. i need to upload some images that are on some of the archives, and i think i need to update the image above. i should be able to work on that tonight. 2001 june 15every once in awhile, i get such a great horoscope that i have to share: "You may be able to draw some strength from music. Releasing some of the emotions that music can evoke for you can be very powerful medicine. If you don't feel tied up emotionally, you can still use music to your advantage by letting it give you an energy boost." an area in london is adopting a new policy to handle the possession of herb - just a small warning and you're on your way...........hey, it's all about the small steps, right? 2001 june 14don't forget: 'get ur freak on' with missy elliott & nelly furtado - tonight on the tonight show. those lovable simpsons have come a long way, baby. the BBC reports that you will be able to find D'oh! in the dictionary, along with such other gems as "full monty" and "boy band". what next? well, well. dubya actually does something i agree with: ending the controversial naval bombing exercises on the small Puerto Rican island of Vieques. Unfortunately, this is not an immediate action, the navy will have 2 years to find a new space for these exercises. 2001 june 13well, i'm a little slow with this report, but i really don't want to see bite the dust, so here is one possible alternative that might have to be taken seriously. i'm also following the discussion on plastic. at least others feel the same way as i do about coldplay - blech! 2001 june 12it's been under wraps since '74 - our goverment covered up studies using medical marijuana that showed shrinkage of three types of cancer. similiar studies conducted in Madrid releaved the same results last year, yet we are still not able to explore these options....get into this thread. 2001 june 11oh yes, before i forget - good guys wear black. go white sox! another great connection: check out - rabi is such a great writer, and also into making connections through this big bad web ;-) are we just setting ourselves up more bad news? it seems that feed magazine is finished. let's just hope that plastic can keep it's head above water........ and, yes, the party was a success. so much so, that we sent a good deal of people across the street (around 4 am) to continue in their merry-making at the neighbors' bash! we're quite pleased with that option. so far, we've had two parties, and both ended with our party moving across the street to the studio. only, i didn't quite make it over this time around - i think it was the smirnoff ice that derek brought down from detroit! 2001 june 8not much going in my world today. getting ready for the 2nd Housewarming Bash - if you live in chicago, and you're an acquaintence, you should get your arse over to my apartment tomorrow night ;) seriously..... well, since i feel the need to give something to my readers today, i present some great new links:
2001 june 6just finished working on a new page - the bookshelf. permanent link located under "check me out" along the left-hand side. here's an interview with dj logic, from he's touring again with project logic - let me know if you are planning to hit the upcoming show at the HOB in chicago! 2001 june 5here's a little humor to lighten the day: death of the vegan vampire. if you live in the midwest, then please send positive vibes upwards. let's smack this weather system upside the head. 2001 june 4i'm scatter-brained. things are going well, but i feel like i'm running around in circles. had an awesome weekend - primarily due to seeing a great show on saturday night with some great people. got to party down to the sounds of the big wu and yonder mountain string band at the skyline stage on navy pier. quite fun! i will be moving soon, haven't you heard this before!? ;) until then, feel free to enjoy the hard work of others: terrapin-gardens has a great new design! 2001 june 1this is why i am such a fan of the BBC - here is an article about the underage drinking that goes hand in hand with college life (for many kids in america). and, the writer even went to the same university as i, which is quite an interesting tie-in. i completely agree with his closing argument as to why the daughters of the president will get no slack from me. private life? um, and what were the republicans doing when the clinton scandal hit? |
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